2021 OBAR President David Pergerson
The Staff and Board of Directors are devastated to share news of the sudden passing of 2021 Outer Banks Association of REALTORS® President David Pergerson. We at OBAR are heartbroken over the loss of someone so young, vibrant, smart, and passionate about his wife, his sons, his work, and his friends. He will be greatly missed by all that knew him.
Per OBAR Bylaws Article XI Officers and Directors, Section 5a Vacancies, in the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President Elect shall fill the vacancy and complete the unexpired term. On behalf of President Elect Doug Brindley, "Please be assured that OBAR operations will continue as staff and the Board of Directors work through this untimely tragedy."
Further information will be shared as it becomes available. Our thoughts and prayers are with David's wife Christina, his family, as well as his friends and colleagues at Carolina Designs Realty.